Uniting the six native japanese dog Breeds. Kendu is the Keeper of Peace, the preserver of Life, and the protector of Unity. The helmets stay on, without the fees.
The master Kendu Baizaki recalls memories of bygone days when communities flourished through the bonds of battle. Baizaki, who grew his fortunes with Kendu on Eth, had seen the rise of a different era—a time when a project’s success thrived on camaraderie and shared passion. His heart yearned to fight alongside his brothers-in-arms again and build a lasting legacy, but once again, the trials and tribulations of Ethereum fees hindered the army’s resources and growth. Baizaki then awoke from his dream, now sitting in another parallel-like reality: a layer 2 called Base.
Baizaki then, like his predecessor, channeled the spirit of past bullruns through Kendu Inu, the uniter of six native Japanese dog breeds, to ignite a new pack on Base Chain with speed and low fees.
Armed with a vision of glory, he ventured out once again into the surging bullrun of 2024. This time, now armed with a new army on the blue chain, here to fight with their brothers-in-arms on Ethereum. Make no mistake, Kendu Inu on Base is programmed for billions, just like his predecessor. As the pack grows, know one thing: